Sunday, September 19, 2010


Google Reader


Google Reader: For my sources for Google Reader I chose Secondary Social Studies & Technology 2.0 which is a website that takes social studies lessons for junior high and high school students and explains how technology can be used to teach the lessons. It also has ideas, questions and comments from other Social Studies Teachers. Another source I chose is PBS Teachers which gives great lesson plans and ideas for all types of teachers. Another source is Teaching with Technology-National Council for Social Studies. This source is once again helpful in learning how to adapt technology specifically to the social studies with feedback from teachers across the national board. I also chose to follow Twitter4Teachers-Social Studies and CNN News to get feedback with short tweets from real Social Studies teachers and keep updated with breaking news. I also am following my fellow group member Whitney Cox's blog and our class Diigo group.

The most useful source I subscribed to however, was EFL Classroom 2.0. This blog was an Edublog Award Winner and is specifically geared towards helping teachers with English Language Learning Students in their classroom. I found this extremely helpful because I am getting my ESL endorsement, and this is a useful tool in knowing how to incorporate technology to help my ELL students.

On Twitter I am following Twitter4Teachers- it gives quick tips and helpful hints for teachers of all subjects. I also am following a basic Social Studies Teaching group that gives tips specifically for history and civics classes. I'm also following CNN News so I can get the latest news, which is very helpful for teaching Social Studies Classes. Oh and I'm also following Rick West!!! He gives updates that are helpful as always for teaching with technology and he gives great tips for using technology for the gospel!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,
    Your blog looks great! It's exciting to see you've been using it so much. The only other thing you need to do to get full points for the PLN assignment is post about the people you're following on Twitter. Nice work!
